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Virtual DJ Studio 6.8 Fullالبرنامج العملاق Virtual DJ Studio 2013 / 2014 والذي يساعدك على تحرير الملفات الصوتية وعمل المكسات والريمكسات المختلفة بسهولة تامة حيث يحتوي على مجموعة ضخمة من الفلاتر الرائعة والمحسنة للصوتيات العالية الجودة وايضا يساعد على تحسين الصوت وتنقية التشويش منه والكثير من المزايا الرائعة برنامج مميز بالفعل ويستحق التجربة
للتحميل باقصى سرعة استخدم اخر اصدار داونلود مع برنامج باتش مدى الحياة
IDM من هناشرح التفعيل :بعد تثبيت البرنامج
أغلق البرنامج و ركب الباتش بعد فتحه
تجده مفعّل ، بالتوفيق إن شاء الله .لفك الضغط بدون مشاكل استخدم برنامج
winrar من هناSIZE 10 MB Virtual DJ Studio in an easy to use application that gives you a mixer-board interface in which you can practice karaoke. Virtual DJ Studio (VDJ) is an MP3 Mixer for live DJ performances. VDJ also contains a full 10-band Graphic Equalizer, full support for Audio Plugins, a Spectrum Analyzer, and many more tools for DJs.
Feature-Filled DJ & Karaoke Software
Virtual DJ Studio is not like all of the other DJ programs out there. While other programs limit you to two players with a Cross-Fader, Virtual DJ Studio provides you with an entire studio.
Virtual DJ Studio gives you a mixer-board interface. Each line offers things you would expect from a typical mixer — volume fader, mute, crossfader assignment, etc. Additionally, each line contains an MP3/WAV/Karaoke player, with all of the controls you might expect — including a Pitch/Tempo control. If you have two or more sound cards/audio devices, you can route any line to your secondary device, for headphone preview or beat-matching. Alternatively, you might use this feature to simply allow more control with your external mixer.
Full Karaoke Support
The days of hunting down a Karaoke CD, finding the right track, and having only one or two singers queue’d up are gone! With a Laptop, you can replace not only your CD players; you can eliminate the need for cases of CDs, and take up less space than you ever imagined!
Supported Karaoke Formats
You can either play an MP3 that has a corresponding .CDG file, or you can play directly from a ZIP file. VDJ does this directly, with no need to create temporary files (like most other programs do). VDJ is the only Karaoke system that lets you seek while directly playing a ZIP or MP3 file, without ever losing sync!
Singers List
Even though VDJ looks different from other Karaoke programs, it still contains a Singer’s List feature. When enabled, you can queue up any number of songs, along with the name of the person who wishes to sing it. From there, you can drag a song into a line in VDJ, or simply double-click to launch the file in the first line. VDJ will also display a list of singers/songs in the CDG window when no karaoke file is being played (for example, if your CDG window is connected to a second monitor, television, or multiple TVs, your patrons will know who’s up next, and when their song will be up).
Easy to Use
Don’t be intimidated by the number of buttons you see in the picture. If you have a knack for audio equipment, you will quickly pick up on VDJs use. VDJ comes with a complete Help file, including a Getting Started guide that will have you mixing MP3s in no time!
Headphone Support
VDJ allows you to use an extra sound card for CUEing, or Previewing, a sound file. You can use this feature to assist with beat-mixing (fading two songs together on-beat), or for simply previewing a song before playing it live. Many DJs use their laptop’s built-in sound for previewing (since the quality of the internal sound chip is often lacking), and an external USB audio device for their main mix. This configuration allows you the flexibility you are used to with dual CD decks and an external mixer; just like a real mixer, enabling the CUE button routes that line to the headphone output (eg, to your Secondary Sound Card).
Plugin Support
VDJ now offers Plugin support. Third parties can contribute audio processing plugins that can be used within VDJ’s Plugin Manager. VDJ comes with a few Plugins as well, including a Compressor/Limiter, a Low-Pass Filter, and Stereo Expansion.
Author:Virtual DJ Studio
16/06/2013حمل على الأول
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Virtual DJ Studio 6.8 Full