اللهم صلي على سيدنا محمد و على آل سيدنا محمد كما صليت على سيدنا إبراهيم
و على آل سيدنا إبراهيم و بارك على سيدنا محمد و على آل سيدنا محمد ، كما باركت
على سيدنا إبراهيم و آل سيدنا إبراهيم في العالمين إنك لحميد مجيد.و بعد،
اليوم إهداءي لكم
Ultimate boot CDللتحميل باقصى سرعة استخدم اخر اصدار داونلود
IDM من هنابرنامج باتش مدى الحياة
هناشرح التفعيل : هنالفك الضغط بدون مشاكل استخدم برنامج
winrar من هنااروع اسطوانات اصلاح المشكل للقرص الصلب وصيانه جهازك حيث تستطيع من خلال الاسطوانه عمل نسخه احتياطيه للويندوز وتقسيم الهارد واصلاح مشاكل الرامات والقضاء على الفيروسات فهى من اروع اسطوانات الصيانه التى تستحق التحميل والتجربة
Ultimate Boot CD is a bootable recovery CD that contains software used for repairing, restoring, or diagnosing almost any computer problem. Our goal is to be the most complete and easy to use free computer diagnostic tool. Almost all software included in Ultimate Boot CD are freeware utilities for Windows. Some of the tools inlcuded are free for personal use copies so users need to respect these licenses. A few of the tools included in Ultimate Boot CD are paid for and licensed software owned by UBCD4win. On occasion we work with software companies authors for permission to include their software in our download or have requested their software better support PE. Users can freely share copies of Ultimate Boot CD with friends but selling Ultimate Boot CD for a profit is not acceptable.
We have worked hard for many years helping people for free with this project, others should not make money from our hard work. If you are a dialup user having a hard time downloading UltimateBoot CD, please visit our ordering page. Ultimate Boot CD is based on Barts PE. Barts PE builds a Windows preinstall environment CD, basically a simple Windows XP booted from CD. Ultimate Boot CD includes network support and allows you the ability to modify NTFS volumes, recover deleted files, create new NTFS volumes, scan hard drives for viruses, etc. Our download includes almost everything you need to repair your system problems. This project has been put together to be the ultimate recovery cd and not a replacement OS (Operating System). Please visit the "List of Tools" page for a complete list of what is included in the latest version of Ultimate Boot CD.
حجم البرنامج
551 MBاخر اصدارات البرنامج
5.2.7متوافق مع جميع نسخ الويندوز